
Read the latest industry trends, how Radix IoT helps drive operational performance, and more.


DCS Awards 2024: Data Centre Power Distribution Unit of the Year (Runner Up)

Radix IoT Named Data Centre Power Distribution Unit of the Year for 2024 (Runner Up)

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Blog Post

The Greening of Data Centers - 5 Strategies

Modern data centers are under increased pressure to decrease their power and water use. Read about the different strategies that can and should be deployed.

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Blog Post

Data-Driven Analytics for Modern Data Center Decision-Making

In this blog, Radix IoT Co-Founder Michael Skurla explores the importance of quality, aggregated and analyzed data for intelligent decision-making in the modern data center, and the types of analytics that are key.

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Case Study

Autopista Del Sol Highway Uses Mango to Gather Data to Keep Motorists Moving Safely

Mango gathers data from tunnel and road sensing devices along the Autopista Del Sol Highway to improve safety, traffic movement and incident handling.

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Case Study

A Water Management District Chose Mango for Its Ease of Use and Outstanding Customer Service

A water district moved from a problematic and costly Windows environment to Linux and Mango for the controls and automation they required.

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Case Study

Radix IoT Helped A Coal Mine Gather Data from Their Existing Systems to Improve Safety

Interoperating with the systems already in place, Mango gave a Coal Mine a real-time view of their conveyors for better maintenance and improved safety.

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Case Study

A Condominium Uses Mango to Monitor Its Equipment, To Ensure Safety and Comfort of Residents

When the Sheridan Point Condominium Association decided to purchase new high efficiency boilers, they chose Mango to monitor them to ensure that they were functioning properly and providing the best possible value, and comfort for residents.

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Case Study

Monitoring and Management of Temperature, Humidity Made Mango the Solution for Timber Dry Process

Mango was used in this case to monitor temperature, humidity and other factors essential to successful timber drying. The solution was chosen because it was simple to install and easy to operate.

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Case Study

A Large Agricultural Company Uses Mango for Monitoring and Managing The Delicate Process of Grain Drying

The customer needed a monitoring and control system for grain drying that was easy to use and accessible from anywhere.

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